Many have been going through transition after transition, standstill after standstill, delay after delay and waiting after waiting some more. But I felt this strongly that many are at the brink and verge of some of the biggest manifested breakthrough they have yet to experience in their life.
In this moment, the Lord is healing, refreshing, delivering, and breaking you away from the past, entanglement, chains, strong holds, and painful memories of loss and grief. Allow Him to add His finishing touches to your heart, because He is making room and creating space within your heart as He is getting your heart ready to receive what He is about to bring into your life. Many have been a in place where they have had repeated confirmation and the Lord repeating Himself of what He said and promised to you over and over. The constant repetition is indicator of how close the proximity of the manifestation of that specific area promise is and of what He has been saying to you. It is already in motion to manifest at His set appointed time. The Lord is coming to triumph over all opposing circumstances in your life to remind you, that He is not a liar, He is not limited to what He can do, and to demonstrate His glorious power of when He steps in, not only does everything change but He will bring about what He said and that nothing can stop Him when He moves sovereignly. Many even before this year closes, will step into the manifestation of that specific area of promise that the enemy has brutally contended and fought you over time and time again. This is it! Psalm 60:12 “With God we will triumph; he’s the one who will trample over adversaries.” Psalm 27:6 “So I will triumph over my enemies around me. With shouts of joy I will offer sacrifices in his Temple; I will sing, I will praise the Lord.” The Lord is positioning and aligning you even now, for that perfect moment in time and His perfect timing for you to be at the right place at the right time and suddenly clash with heavens alignment and plans. This timing of your life has already been ordained and predestined. That when you sit and ponder for a moment, when the manifestation happens of that specific area of breakthrough that He said He was going to do, it will remind you that you heard right, that you didn’t miss it and that He is right on time. His goodness is about to flood and fulfill many areas of your life that have been barren and desolate for a long-time. I really felt this strongly to prophesy over His people, that all of Heaven is invading into your situations, circumstances, to thrust, push and bulldozer over everything that is opposing what the Lord has spoken over your life to happen in this moment. It will be such an extraordinary thing that the Lord is about to do in your life that you won’t have time to recollect the pain and what it took to get to this moment of time in your life. I want to remind you that this is not the end, that this is the beginning of a brand-new chapter, moving into you new assignment, and new adventures of your life. He has turned the page. The way this specific area of breakthrough is going to manifest it is about to come so quick, that you will forget how long you waited for it because of how that breakthrough will manifest in your life will fill many areas of your heart with His glorious goodness and faithfulness that He not only fulfilled what He promised to you but with increase, double and upgrade. From one day to the next your current circumstances are and will radically change because of the Lord’s triumphant power manifesting in your life! Stay focused and rest assured that the Lord does not disappoint, as He is about to bring triumphant manifested victory into your life! Romans 5:5 “And hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” Comments are closed.