Earlier today I felt the Lord highlight the word 'hammer' and as I saw this word I knew instantly that the Lord was about to shatter and break a huge strong hold. As I felt this word, not only did the Lord bring down the hammer to break it, but it shook things open. Things shook like a earthquake because the power of God came down thunderously and instantly. Nothing could stop the power of the Lord that was being demonstrated.
Jeremiah 23:29 "Does not my word burn like fire?" says the LORD. "Is it not like a mighty hammer that smashes a rock to pieces?" As I saw these things shook, shaked and move about. The Lord highlighted this scripture and then I heard the Lord say strongly, "I am about to scatter your enemy seven different ways for coming against you." Deuteronomy 28:7 "The LORD will conquer your enemies when they attack you. They will attack you from one direction, but they will scatter from you in seven!" I felt the Lord strongly emphasizing the significance of the grandeur display of victory, vindication and the ultimate power of God that is about to come forth. For trying to hinder, delay, block and steal. How the Lord is about to show up, in how He put it to me was that He was going to 'steal the show'. Where the enemy has been running around causing all kinds of havoc and attempting to stop what God was doing. I saw the Lord come in and completely took over. There was an encore and praise to the Lord for his incredible performance. This website for idioms describes ' steal the show ' as https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/steal+the+show ; To become the main focus of attention or deliver the most captivating performance in the presence of one or more others, typically unexpectedly. As the Lord gave me that idiom to describe; there was suddenly this burst of Holy Ghost laughter that came forth and I could not stop laughing. The Lord has set the stage for your promotion and elevation. I heard the Lord say, "The clock is ticking and the enemy has ran out of time. Get ready to see my hand move in power in such incredible ways where you will know I am the Lord your God and that you are seated in heavenly places. And there is no more room for the enemy and his schemes for I have already decreed it is time for destiny! Now watch me move in your behalf!"
9/11/2018 07:51:05 pm
again a modern day word from a modern day prophet, timely and cut to the core of truth we love you keep going my friend for such a time as this
9/12/2018 10:02:38 pm
Yes and amen! God bless you richly! Comments are closed.