Your time of exodus has come and the time to step fully into your destiny has arrived! Many are beginning to experience an exiting of a long long season trial and testing. A season that has been of much pruning, preparation, and refinement. Faceted to now fit this new season that we are now entering into too. The old season has come to a close and brand new season is starting to open up that will be full of fresh new beginnings, avenues to venture, and new adventures to explore that are before you.
Exodus 12:31-32 "Then Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron at night. He said, “Get up and go away from my people, both you and the people of Israel. Go and worship the Lord, as you have said. 32 Take your flocks and your cattle, as you have said, and go. And pray that good will come to me also.” There are some readjustments, realignments and some last minute preparations that the Lord is doing to ready you for the next season we are now crossing over into. There is much clarity the Lord is releasing as the heavy clouds of confusion are lifting. You will begin to see the brightness of the new day that is upon you! As your heart will rejoice with Joy of the revelation of what the Lord is revealing and what is in the process of coming to pass. Psalm 27:13 "Yet I am confident I will see the LORD's goodness while I am here in the land of the living." The goodness of the Lord will manifest in so many ways in this season. It will be a kiss from heaven of His kindness, goodness, and His love towards you that He has not forgotten not one promise He has made. The Lord is going to drench you in the manifestation of the restoration, vindication, and joy that He is now moving you into! NEW DOORS OF OPPORTUNITIES! Over the next few days many are transitioning into the new season. This season will be filled with so many opportunities and doors, that you will need greater discernment in choosing which ones are of the Lord and which ones are not. The ones that are of the Lord will cause you to advance further into His plans and into destiny places. The ones that are not of the Lord will not bring forth the fruit and breakthrough the Lord is intending to bring forth. ACTIVATED TO STEP INTO YOUR NEW ASSIGNMENTS! In a vision, I saw a launch pad behind each door and with each launch pad behind each door came an activation as soon as the launch pad was stepped on. These new assignments are being activated and set in motion. In these new assignments will be so much favor and breakthrough all around. Many will know that the Lord has been with you! It is time to get hopeful and excited for your new beginning is on the horizon! Comments are closed.