In a vision, I saw a huge sling shot being used to catapult the people of God to go from one place to another place, a place connected to destiny. There was such an excitement surrounding them as they were properly positioned and ready to be catapulted.
Now according to the dictionary's website; a sling shot is used for as a Y-shaped stick with an elastic strip between the prongs for shooting stones and other small missiles, ( It is used as a thrusting mechanism to hit the ideal target. As I saw this in the vision people were being catapulted and going from one point/place to another at a very high speed of velocity, quickly. As I saw each person get on the sling shot one by one I heard the Lord say CATAPULT! They were instantly catapulted to the next destiny place. As the Lord catapults you further into his desired destination for you that is connected to your destiny. Greater manifestation of HIS promises will come forth, that is also tied to being at the right place at the right time. You will arrive just on time where you are suppose to be at, your destiny place. Everything has been prepared as the Lord has already gone before you. It is time to step further into his plans of Jeremiah 29:11 and greater fulfillment of promises. Get ready the Lord is declaring over you catapult! Comments are closed.