For the past few days the Lord has been highlighting to me a couple of specific details to where I felt strongly what has been transpiring as of late. The Lord is having many tie up loose ends and there are some things that are coming to a full close. I also felt that the time slot for the appointed time is now lining up. Many are moving into the manifestation of His perfect timing and as we move into this, don't pay attention to the distractions just stay the course. The Lord is solidifying it in you what He is doing and what is about to happen. There is rapid movement happening and the Lord is making sure, as He watches His word that it doesn't return to Him void. The Lord is going to pull it off so perfectly with the manifestation of His appointed time, that you won't have the time or capacity to even figure it out.
There is a finality and a complete severing to some final things that has been on-going and lingering for some time now that was causing some interference, distraction and delay. As this happens, the Lord is causing greater parameters and boundaries to be firmly and permanently set in place. While the Lord is doing this, it is making room and space in your life so that He can now bring the promises to pass. There is such an acceleration happening to this severing because the Lord's perfect timing is upon you and there is no more room for those things to continue anymore. If it were to stay any longer it will cause further delay. Stay focused into what the Lord is speaking to you, as there is many things that are getting ready to start happening that is already set in motion to come to pass at His appointed time.