There is an acceleration going into this new season of many new beginnings. Those covenant alignments and relationships that many have been waiting on for some time now, I felt strongly that the Lord highlighted this that the 'help is here.' The right help is here and this help will cause you to advance further than you have ever been.
Don't look back at those old alignments that are gone as they couldn't take you further or could they go with you into your new season, but look forward to the ones that are here as these new alignments are assigned to your new season and to the new assignments that you are now moving into. Many had been previously stuck because either the wrong alignments were there, coming into alignments that were revolving doors, old alignments that they had not let go of yet or would they let go of you and those alignments actually brought delay and slowed things down, hindering progression and moving forward into the new season. It slowed down the birthing and momentum for the new season. Now that those alignments have shifted and moved, many are now also beginning to feel that the atmosphere has shifted tremendously and that it is now conducive for manifestation. The cloudiness, clutter, and chaos has been removed and there is clarity, insight and direction coming to those who will yield and take the time to slow down to listen and hear the new sound of the new season. With many now feeling the beginning stages of reprieve, relief, and a separation from the old season, there is an acceleration and strength coming to those to get more things done in shorter time because of the previous delay and seemingly loss of time because of the difficulty of the previous season. Things are shifting quickly from one day to the next as the Lord is moving many into a flow of constant manifestation without hinderance, blockage or interruptions. Things are coming together and unfolding according to His way, His plan and His timing. I also felt the Lord echoing His voice loudly saying... "I am bringing things rapidly into existence for the sudden manifestation of the day breaking of what I said I will do is going to happen swiftly. I hold the months, days, hours and seconds in my hands and as the enemy came time and time again to interrupt and delay what I have promised you, I am causing a catastrophic interruption of your day to bring about the manifestation of my word. The demonstration of the power of my word will be made so evident that I am the I am, the only one who holds the power to intervene with the timing of your day!" Colossians 1:17 "He is before all things, and in him all things hold together." NIV Isaiah 60:22 "The smallest family will become a thousand people, and the tiniest group will become a mighty nation. At the right time, I, the LORD, will make it happen." NLT I also felt the Lord strongly, emphasize Ecclesiastes 3:1-15 where it speaks about, "For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven." We are in a season where He has spoken that it is time for the unprecedented manifestation of His promises through the demonstration of the power of His word. Mourning and grieving has passed and the Lord is replacing it with His exuberant Joy being your portion in this season. What I felt the Lord saying through His echo that was resounding so loudly that this interruption of break through was going to be unlike anything many have ever experienced because of the swiftness of how fast He was moving in their day, that many didn't even know or feel that the Lord was even moving. It is the undetected move of His spirit to bring about the manifestation of His word instantaneously. It will completely catch you off guard. There is a sudden interruption of your day by the hand of the Lord that this is a moment in time where it is what I felt the Lord saying a few months ago, that you won't have time to catch your breath because of the rapidity of the manifestation of what He has spoken is just suddenly going to come to pass. Where many are saying goodbye to an old season there is much to look forward to in the new season. Although, this season has been one of the most difficult that many have had to walk through with the separation and leaving things behind you that you once held close. It has not been easy, but His grace is carrying you through it all. What is upon you and what lies before you is so much greater that know and realize. There will be so much restoration and joy found in this new season.
You will find joy again as your heart will be filled with the abundant joy of the Lord. The places of the heart that had been in such a season of grief, pain, disappointment and loss the Lord is not only healing those places of the heart, but filling those places of the heart with His unspeakable and exuberant joy! Many will walk into the manifestation and the reality of Nehemiah 8:10 where truly His joy will be your strength. "Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.” There is new life in new places and spaces that is about to spring forth. Where many have felt isolated because of the past season there is a shift and change happening to now bring you into the new alignments for the new assignments of the new season. Song of Songs 2:11-13 "See! The winter is past: the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land. The fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread their fragrance. Arise, come, my darling, my beautiful, come with me." I also felt that over the next few months many things that the Lord has spoken is going to be begin to manifest and it will manifest in such unprecedented and unexpected ways. Many have reached a moment in their life where things are going to finally 'come together.' Things He has spoken over this season and things He has spoken to you years ago. Things are changing more rapidly than you think and know. You haven't missed it and the Lord is in process right now of manifesting what He said He was going to do. He is right on time. He shifting your perspective to align with the new season that you are now in, where you are moving from striving to thriving. You won't have to survive through the battles anymore or feel like you are barely hanging on. There is a new strength, vitality and empowerment that Lord has built within you through the battles to not only be able to walk into this new season at hand, but have the ability and capacity to sustain what He is releasing and bringing into your life. There are things coming to a complete closure, a closure to a long chapter in your life that has come to an end. Many are beginning to feel the beginning stages of reprieve and it will continue as you walk out this new season. This new season will be like no other season and it will be a season you will remember, as it will be saturated in His favor, increase and manifestation of His glorious power! Jeremiah 10:12-13 "But God made the earth by his power, and he preserves it by his wisdom. With his own understanding, he stretched out the heavens. When he speaks in the thunder, the heavens roar with rain. He causes the clouds to rise over the earth. He sends the lightning with the rain and releases the wind from his storehouses." Hebrews 1:3 "The Son radiates God’s own glory and expresses the very character of God, and he sustains everything by the mighty power of his command." There is a turning point happening this week as many continue to cross over. This turning point is shifting things into such incredible alignment for the new season that we are in and into what is just ahead of you. There is a quick preparation happening right now with the accelerated birthing. For there are some things that the Lord has spoken to you that is being birthed in this very moment that is now in the works of manifesting. You are moving into the beginning stages of the manifestation of the promises that He has spoken to and over you. There are just a few last tweaks and finishing touches to some things that He is doing right now so that you don't stay or continue to get stuck, before you move into this sudden manifestation. As the Lord adds these finishing touches to the areas that once kept you stuck, it is not only going cause even greater acceleration, but it will not interrupt or intercept when the manifestation starts happening. Once you move into the sudden manifestation, there will be an ongoing momentum as you walk out the manifestation of His promises even before this month closes many will step into some of this manifestation.
There may be many distractions and the enemy is just trying to sidetrack you. Stay focused, because as you obey what the Lord is leading you to do things will not only shift tremendously, but there will be multiplied manifested break through. This break through will be the ice breaker into your new season and things from here on out will never be the same!