There is an end to things that is happening where things have kept you stuck and cyclical cycles. There is a divine finality happening right now in which it is an end to an end of things. As the Lord refreshes and heals you, He is untangling you from the very things that would be detrimental to you later on. Trust that He knows best and what He is doing.
He is putting a complete end and severing to that specific area that has caused a constant draining, delay, and hindrance. He is making a clear path for you so that the new things that He has planned, prepared and strategically orchestrated for you can begin to unfold into your life even before this month closes. There is an instant acceleration and breaking through that will happen as the Lord navigates you out of that stuck place and into His perfect timing and plans. There is an incredible alignment into His timing that is occurring in the natural realm that you won't be able to comprehend how the Lord orchestrated it. There will be not be enough words to describe what He is about to do. There are things that the Lord is going to bring to pass at any moment now that will leave you so undone how the Lord pulled it off. I could hear and feel things rumbling and thundering in the heavens as there is thunderous manifested breakthrough of His promises upon you and that is about to happen. There is rapid movement on unprecedented levels that is happening in the natural realm where you won't even see some of these things that are coming that the Lord is now bringing to pass! I heard this scripture resound so loudly in my spirit there was an explosive breakthrough that occurred within my spirit that I knew that I knew His impeccable timing and manifestation of what He said was here. It doesn't matter what things look like as when the Lord is ready to do something He is going to do it! He is ready to make it happen! Isaiah 60:22 "The smallest family will become a thousand people, and the tiniest group will become a mighty nation. At the right time, I, the LORD, will make it happen." There may be some resistance and many distractions happening that is because you are not only about to break through, but there is something that the Lord has strategically planned for you that is about to manifest. The enemy is pushing back to intimidate you and to get you to back down, but as you stand your ground and don't give into it that giant is going to suddenly fall like lighting. You are moving into occupancy of the new assignments and the land. There is an occurrence of manifested break through that is going to happen one after another that is upon you. We are turning a corner and there are things that are about to unfold rapidly and fast even before this month closes. For I felt the Lord saying an appointed time under heaven has come and the manifestation of that perfect appointed timing is here!
As the Lord continues to heal and strengthen you from so many battles peace is being restored and a deeper rest is coming to your weary soul. There are new things and people that the Lord is bringing into your life that will help usher you into your next. What tried to keep you back and stuck from moving forward is being broken. There is a new level of empowerment that He is bringing to you so you can go further and not look back. He is bringing things into perspective so you will have the clarity and direction to go into your next. Allow Him to interrupt the things that cannot go so He can suddenly and abruptly bring things that He has prepared and planned. This is easier said than done but don't get weary in the waiting for the Lord will bring to pass what He has promised right on time!
Habakkuk 2:3 "For the vision is yet for the appointed time; It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; For it will certainly come, it will not delay." |