Many are standing at another thresh hold where there will be greater breakthrough, alignment, fulfillment and to where things are going to start synchronizing together. This thresh hold is different from past ones as you are moving into seeing some real manifestation happen, because there is 'impeccable timing' of the Lord upon you. Things are going to start flourishing and begin unfolding in a greater measure. As the Lord reveals what is about to unfold that is just before you of some promises that He has spoken to you there will be greater healing, deliverance and restoration of Joy of what you are really about to step into. There is no more going around the mountain, any more delays or hindrances. It is time to move forward into advancement and promotion. Even in the midst of where it seems there is unsruety of what is taking place things are going to suddenly take shape, form and then manifest itself. The Lord is moving and bypassing things you cannot see just to bring to pass what He has spoken. Things are changing rapidly as there is greater alignment and acceleration here to thrust you into the next level of increase.
Where have been feeling stretched and pressed wondering what the next steps are, I felt that the Lord was giving many blue prints like a layout of things that are unfolding and things that are to come. As you follow the instruction and leading of the Lord you will see His plans unfold in a strategic way. to where it will work your good and His timing.
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." The Lord is bringing alignment, He is bringing acceleration and He is also making room for the new things. He is removing old things, old ways and ways of doing things as this will also lighten your load as they are removed. I also saw the Lord restructuring things during this transition, so that you can be more fruitful, productive and advance in more ways. I also felt He was eliminating some things and even alignments with people or circumstances that would cause hindrance later on and even distraction. There is not only real clarity coming for but and intent focus. I felt this determination stirring in my spirit to really focus on what He is saying and what He is doing. He has been preparing many for some time now but many are now being positioned, aligned and being moved to the fore front like never before for there is another wave of incredible acceleration upon you as you yield to His way, His timing and how He is doing things. He is rapidly changing things because you are beginning to step into occupancy of the new land and the new assignments. There is shift and change in the atmosphere happening today where there is a turning from despair to joy. As many step into this month of August things are not only going to synchronize into incredible alignment but fall into perfect place. There is a being at the 'right place at the right time.' I also felt the Lord saying before the end of this month there will be a few surprises that He has in store, things you didn't expect or saw coming. He is going to surprise you with good things for the pain and loss of the last season. This is a season and time where you will recover all! There is some explosive breakthrough that is going to begin to trickle in beginning this week. There is an expectancy in the atmosphere unlike I have felt before and I felt this strongly. It is time to step into your upgrade!