There is rain of refreshing and empowerment of His spirit coming over many for the new territory, lands and assignments that the Lord is taking many into. For this is not something you can do or accomplish in your strength but in His strength. For as you walk into these new assignments you will walk into them transformed, restored and empowered by His spirit. There is a changing of positions as He moves you into these places and realms of influence where the favor of the Lord will be ever so evident upon you. As there is another level of His demonstrative power manifesting in your life as you move upon His leading and instructions. The Lord is now sending you for the orders of heaven have been released over you to go forth. It is time to start moving into what He has been preparing you for from so many seasons of preparation and trial. There is explosive breakthrough happening before this weekend is over that is setting you up for the new season. For in this new season you will know this from the heart of the Lord that it was worth the wait, in truly waiting on Him!
The things that seemed against what the Lord has spoken are suddenly turning and moving out of the way. I felt the Lord saying that He was flipping the tables over on the things that have opposed what the Lord has spoken. He is removing the hindrances, the clutter, and the things that have been trying to distract you from moving forward into clearer vision and perspective than ever before. Those troubling foxes are being eradicated and there is a sudden heavy alignment of the Lord crashing through over you. For as I felt this happening, I also felt that this was a strong decree from the Lord. For where the enemy is trying to keep some hold, the Lord is suddenly breaking that grasp and moving you further and into the new assignments that He has for you. Even going into this month we call September you will see incredible breakthrough of alignment, provision, favor, increase and a catapult of destiny
There are some things that seem impossible, some things that have not shifted or there has been resistance. Although, this has been happening you know what the Lord has spoken to you. As I felt this I felt the Lord saying, that 'He is going to break through the barrier of impossibility.' That the creative power of the Lord is moving to manifest miracles. I saw many in a vision come to their knees weeping at the sudden manifestation of these impossibilities suddenly and instantly turning around. Seeing the Lord move in all His majesty, all His splendor and His power. Many have reached the 'end of the rope' of that circumstance and now you will see the wonder working and immovable power of the Lord burst through into that circumstance. For man may say one thing but the Lord has the final say! He is doing only what He can do, only what His power can do, only what His word can do. He is moving you into a new realm of faith like never before, of knowing Him to where you know that no one else could have done that but Him, Jesus.
Matthew 19:26 "Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Yesterday I released a word that the Lord gave me about fine tuning happening and clarity. He is giving you 20/20 vision to see. You are going to see at higher more profound levels like never before for where you are going it is necessary to see at this level.
Not only is the fine tuning and clarity occurring, but there is sharper focus and there will be greater peace and rest. The Lord of Hosts is restoring your soul from the battles, from the onslaught, from the continuous resistance. But I also tell you this today that the giants are coming down. You are coming into your promise land and great fulfillment than you can imagine. I know many are tired and weary from so many trials, but friends I tell you this it is not your strength or ability it is in HIS! It is Jesus alone. Total reliance upon His strength and power. You and Jesus walking together. Just put your gaze and focus on Jesus like a flint. As you do there is strength, refreshing, and empowerment coming over you like you have never known before. Isaiah 50:7 "But the Lord GOD helps me; therefore I have not been disgraced; therefore I have set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be put to shame." You are rising out of the ashes. You are coming out of the wilderness. When Jesus came out of the wilderness He came out in POWER, He came out FULL of POWER! Let me repeat that. He came out in POWER! Many have been in a wilderness, a lodebar place. But, friends I tell you this today. As I am writing this I hear this scripture. 2 Chronicles 20:20 "So they rose early in the morning and went out into the Wilderness of Tekoa; and as they went out, Jehoshaphat stood and said, “Hear me, O Judah and you inhabitants of Jerusalem: Believe in the LORD your God, and you shall be established; believe His prophets, and you shall prosper." The Lord is summoning His people to come out. As it is time for the new assignments. New adventures, new avenues and pathways are opening up. These pathways had not open before and there is now incredible change upon many through these new pathways. I also want to encourage you with this as I felt this happening now, that when Jesus steps in, that when the King of Glory comes into your life and circumstances EVERYTHING changes. It cannot remain the same. Jesus is stepping in and as He steps in unimaginable, unbelievable and radical change happens in the natural realm. One word from His mouth can change everything in but a fraction of a moment. We are in a moment of time right now where there is collision of the spiritual and natural realm unlike we have seen before that are minds cannot even comprehend the power that is being released right now. In a vision, I saw trigger points in time being activated to where things literally manifest in the natural realm at that particular moment and time the way the Lord has ordained and designed it to happen. This is also why the fight has been so hard because these trigger points being activated is connected to destiny. We are moving in acceleration of time, things are speeding up are incredible levels. Get ready my friends as I heard the Lord say, "The ride with me as only begun to where I am taking you." I HEARD LORD THE SAY, ''HE IS REMOVING THE CLUTTER AND THE DEBRIS AND CHANGING THE FREQUENCY"8/15/2019
There is a fine tuning happening and with that I also felt that there is an extreme and acute clarity coming forth. Not only is the frequency changing but there is such clarity, unlike many have experienced before that is beginning to tangibly invade the atmosphere that you currently move and operate in. Your current surrounding and atmosphere is changing, the landscape is changing, forming and shaping to mold into the manifestation of the words that the Lord has spoken over you.
Suddenly the things He spoke long ago will suddenly manifest into existence. Your faith is producing substance. The things that have yet to be seen will now be seen. Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." I felt the Lord also saying to get ready and be prepared for the Glory Cloud is hovering over many. For you shall move into the glory realm to see things suddenly manifest. What wasn't there before will be there now. The spiritual realm is colliding with the natural realm! I felt the Lord saying, "Breakthrough after breakthrough after breakthrough will occur. I am moving so fast that in a matter of minutes to seconds I tumbling over the things that have opposed my word over your life. For I the Lord have the final word in all things. For I am demonstrating once again who sits on the throne and who holds all power. For in this season and time my word shall come to pass like you never imagined." Exodus 40:34 "Then the cloud covered the Tabernacle, and the glory of the LORD filled the Tabernacle." |