I heard the Lord speak this morning... "I am about to accelerate the time, the kronos time as there are many things I am wanting to bring to pass now that you now carry the strength and energy to step into. I am going to accelerate you where you place your feet in the places that I will lead you to go and the people you will meet. I am connecting you to catapult you. I am moving fast. Where time was lost and stolen, I have orchestrated a rapid recovery for you that you have never seen or experience before. Where you will pick up where you left off at in many areas of your life. Where the power of my spoken word will suddenly manifest into your life changing the landscape of many things. I am speeding things up for you as you continue to align your heart with my plans that are already in motion in your life. As in this season of radical change you will know me more than ever as, I AM that I AM Jehovah, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The one who never changes and where my word will be ever so precedent in your life and the power of it being demonstrated like never before."
Exodus 3:14 "And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you. Where many have found themselves in a bit of a wrestle. I felt the Lord say to worship and praise your way through. There is a mighty breaker anointing being released in that place of worship and praise where you will see the Lord of baal perazim break you through. Not only is He breaking you through but breaking through in you! For the breaking through that He is doing within you will outburst from within that will cause things in the natural realm to suddenly manifest and change. He is greatly strengthening you, sharpening you, and widening your vision for your expansion and increase is upon you. As you are moving into the divine upgrade that the Lord has prepared. There are things aligning even now that you could not even imagine what the Lord Himself is doing. So hold fast for things are rapidly changing swiftly and momentarily!
Earlier this morning I was speaking with a good friend in the Lord about the times and seasons we are in. As we were speaking I felt the Lord highlight this scripture.
Matthew 6:4 "Give your gifts in private, and your Father, who sees everything, will reward you." I knew in my spirit that this was a season for those who had been hidden, the ones who have endured much, persevered, and stayed in the place of contending before the Lord. I strongly felt that this was the time He was 'rewarding openly.' For things done in secret, sowed in secret and not expecting anything in return. This is a time to see the Lord not only reward you but it will be with such increase and favor. The things that had been hidden are surfacing and producing much fruit. Things are beginning to blossom. He is setting the stage for you to move into greater realms of breakthrough, greater things that He has prepared and planned. For the Lord is searching for those that have yielded in the process, that given them their yes in spite of circumstances being opposing to what was expected. He is looking and watching, He has taken such notice of the things that have been done in secret. He has kept a tally and record of all that you have sown and done. Even in the times when you thought He was not watching even in the small things He the Lord himself has taken notice! The REWARD of the Lord is upon you for there has been many tests, many trials, and many setbacks. But, the Lord has used it all to where it has now positioned you for greater things, promises, promotion, greater anointing and authority. To see the fruition of promises come to pass in such grandeur. I hear the Lord saying, "I am going to lavish you in my goodness, my kindness and favor unlike you have imagined, unlike you have experienced before. For you will not only see me restore and return to you what was taken but with great interest and increase. Watch as this month unfolds for I have aligned and set things in place to manifest in ways you could never imagined. For in this season I will take those desires and expand your imagination to dream with me more of what I can do, will do and already doing for you. For in this season you will taste and see that I am good and have not forgotten!" IN THIS SEASON HE IS MOVING OUTSIDE THE BOX IN BRINGING DOUBLE RESTORATION FOR ALL YOUR TROUBLE!3/3/2019
There is greater healing, restoration and acceleration taking place that is causing things that you didn't see coming to suddenly come about and not only come about, but change your perspective on how the Lord is moving and doing things. I felt the Lord say that He is accelerating the restoration process and that He is moving 'outside the box' in the most unexpected and unplanned ways.
In Him moving this way, His desire to move you into His divine plan of restoration may look different than you expected, but it will be far more greater in the way He is doing it than you could have ever imagined. I felt the Lord say, that this coming week He is going to align and set things up and in place. That will cause greater movement into the accelerated restoration and into the more that He has in store. In the restoration, He is giving you double for the pain, double for the misery, double for the hardship, and double for your trouble. He is moving you into a season of double. Isaiah 61:7 " Because you got a double dose of trouble and more than your share of contempt, Your inheritance in the land will be doubled and your joy go on forever." Where things that had been stolen, delayed, held up, sabotaged, and thrown out of alignment for so long. He was repairing, healing, restoring and aligning. He is putting things where they need to be and into there proper place. Your season of mishaps, disappointment, hurt and sorrow have truly come to close. Your season of joy is upon you. You will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Favor is falling and causing things to suddenly turn in your favor and to suddenly turn in your behalf. His favor is about to saturate many areas of the people of Gods lives. Psalm 27:13 "I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living." In a vision, I saw the hand of the Lord come and touch the people of God not just one area but many areas. There were many areas that needed the refreshing, strengthening, restoration, and breakthrough of God. As He touched those areas there was sudden change, sudden breakthrough that catapulted things and caused things to move significantly. There was greater freedom and liberty to move into the things of God and His promises. I also felt the Lord highlight that the demonstration of His power that He is releasing into many of the peoples lives will be 'off the richter scale' is how He so awesomely put it. Where the power of God will meet you in the midst of your transition to bring greater breakthrough and fulfillment. This is the time to see the power of God demonstrated, released and manifested on uncharted levels! Get ready as I heard the Lord say, "You haven't seen anything yet! |