A few days ago the Lord kept highlighting this scripture in Amos 9:13-15.
"Yes indeed, it won’t be long now.” God’s Decree. “Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won’t be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once—and everywhere you look, blessings! Blessings like wine pouring off the mountains and hills. I’ll make everything right again for my people Israel: “They’ll rebuild their ruined cities. They’ll plant vineyards and drink good wine. They’ll work their gardens and eat fresh vegetables. And I’ll plant them, plant them on their own land. They’ll never again be uprooted from the land I’ve given them.” God, your God, says so. Not only will there be another level of acceleration but a tidal wave of restoration coming swiftly. There is a hastening to the word of God manifesting. This is a season of GREAT restoration by the mighty hand of God. The enemy is going to wish he never laid a hand on your inheritance and promises! In a vision I saw the Lord's hand brush over the land he has given his people and there were instant changes in the natural, atmosphere shifts, and sudden changes over people. As these changes took place there was heavenly alignment with the plans of God in this season. What was out of place or misplaced was instantly put in position. As this took place the Lord's plans began to unfold in a greater magnitude. None like we have seen before. There is a great increase to the manifestation of his plans in this season. As the power of God manifests in this season I saw it manifest like lightening. The lightnings of the Lord's power coming down and striking down anything standing in the way of his plans. Breaking open unmovable hard ground and scattering the enemy. The enemy is running scared in utter defeat and his plans are foiling to the ground. The Lord himself has stepped in and he is making sure his word is being performed and not returning back void. I also felt the Lord is also removing back log. Things the enemy has tried to hold up is now being released with overflow. The Lord is multiplying the promises and the increase that the enemy has so fervently tried to hold up. I also saw the Lord sitting on his throne laughing LOUDLY at all the attempts the enemy has thrown in this season. At every attempt there was multiplication to the manifestation of the very thing he has tried to hold up! Psalm 37:4 "His lightnings lit up the world; The earth saw and trembled." Psalm 144;6 "Flash forth lightning and scatter them; Send out Your arrows and confuse them." Revelation 16:18 "And there were flashes of lightning and sounds and peals of thunder; and there was a great earthquake, such as there had not been since man came to be upon the earth, so great an earthquake was it, and so mighty." There is another level of acceleration being released this week. As we cross over from January to February there will be more manifested breakthrough! These last few days of this month use this time to finish up and complete things. The Lord has made room for the new that has arrived. Get ready for your feet to land in the land he has prepared for you. For February will be a start and restart of many new things!
There is MORE breakthrough that is just around the corner that is about to manifest. There is much more happening that is bigger than your natural eyes can see. Stay steadfast and focused on the Lord. We are about to hit the 'tip of the iceberg' of more mountain moving breakthrough! Keep an eye out today the Lord is speaking and confirming in unusual and unexpected ways!
Don't pay attention to the distractions, confusion or the fiery darts that the enemy may be throwing. There is more clarity and revelation coming through. Breakthrough and manifestation is on the horizon. So much that has been beneath the surface is coming forth in greater portions!
A few days ago the Lord spoke to me very clearly saying, 'SOMETHING IS EMERGING.' Shortly thereafter I looked at the television and a Emergen-C vitamin commercial came on and one part of the commercial said EMERGE and SEE. In the commercial it also said Emerging restored, replenished, and fortified. As I saw this I knew the Lord was confirming what he was speaking and not only that there was much to what he was speaking and saying. As I looked up the word emerging it said, 'to come forth into view or notice, as from concealment or obscurity, to come into existence, develop.' As I began to dig for more revelation on this word God began to speak several things to me.
Things that have been 'behind the scenes' are now 'coming into view.' Many prophetic words the Lord has given are now taking shape and form, they are going to began to materialize. What wasn't there before will now be there. There has been a heavenly alignment that has taken place and things that were out of place have been put back in its original condition. There is massive restoration taking place right now in the people of God's lives that will leave you AWESTRUCK in the manifested power of God. The Lord also showed me that it is an EMERGENCY to EMERGE. There has been a declaration of heaven for things to start to emerge now. The word of God is coming forth in measures we have not seen before. There is a great fulfillment of the word of God taking place. This is the time where the word is coming to pass and nothing can stop it. The Lord is overriding everything that is standing in the way of the word because it is time according to God's calendar. When the Lord is ready to bring a Kairos moment into your life NOTHING can stop it. There is tangible manifestation of promises upon the body of Christ right now. Today signifies a milestone marked of coming into the NEW prepared season. Many have transitioned over and are now on the other side. Continue to stand and be in agreement with heaven as the Lord has already released the promises. The perfecting timing of God has arrived and will been SEEN in magnanimous proportions! Get ready to SEE with your eyes what the Lord has prepared for their are many divine set ups in this season! |