Some of you have gone through such brutality of extreme warfare, battle fatigue, and just seems like it was never going to end --to break through completely. But, I felt the Lord was bringing the deepest healing you have yet to know from those many seasons of such angst, agony, and immense grief. He is bringing the healing and resolve.
There is birthing, a shedding of the old, the former ways and times, a metamorphous was happening as you birthed. I felt this strongly for many, that this is your moment, where heaven is colliding with the natural realm bringing about His perfect timing unlike you have seen before. That you will know only the Lord Himself could pull this off so perfectly and smoothly. I felt that many are emerging, coming out of the cave, and carry the weight of His glory and power with great authority. Many of you have had to step aside and away from alignments and situations, had you not it would have hindered and held up this necessary birthing that is happening right now. It is a pivotal and crucial moment of change coming forth. Choose not to allow yourself to be distracted at any cost, but focus on what the Lord is leading and instructing you to do. It is imperative that you following what He is saying to you in this moment. It is defined moment of your life where the change of any moment now is upon you, your imminent moment is here. You are moving and stepping forward, and there is no looking back at what was but fixated on the Lord of what is He is prepared for you that is upon you and ahead of you. It is time! As I wrote this prophetic word tonight I heard the the Lord speaking this verse loudly, and I knew it was what He was decreeing over His people in this moment. I felt that there was such a compensation of the loss from many seasons coming to His people. There is great restoration about to befall you in the coming months and years. This will only be accomplished the sovereign hand of the Lord. I also felt this strongly from the Lord, that in this moment eternity is invading earth's chronological time and bringing about that sudden manifestation of His word and His promises. Your due season is here. Psalms 23:5 "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows." What was clouding your vision and the inability to see further, wider, and the full picture of things for the past few months is being removed. He is removing and untangling you from situations and people, that would hinder progression and advancement later on. This was a week of freedom and it will continue throughout the rest of this month. He is lightening your load so that you can accelerate expeditiously. The season and assignments have change drastically, and you are moving forward with a clear pathway in front of you without hinderance and into all that He has in store for you. It is time to ascend higher and move into the new assignments and alignments. It is time emerge and for some of you to re-emerge. For the remnant, this is your time to come forth, catapult, trailblaze, and to bring forth the move of God that the Lord has imparted and assigned you to carry and usher into this era. I was reminded time and time again of these verses and felt Him speaking it again. It is time for Amos 9:13-15.
The things of the past season and ways of doing things is beginning to dwindle down, as what was before you that you have been waiting on is now upon you. The transition has been extensive, long, and exhausting at times. But you are moving forward. Although, it seems there is uncertainty of where you are specifically landing there is clarity and insight to what is now upon you is becoming crystal clear. The layout of the assignments and the instructions in how to walk in them are being unraveled as you continue to move forward. But also step into these instructions. You will no longer be held back by the past, other opinions, or the expectations of others. The Lord has deeply rooted you in Him, so as you emerge and launch forward into all He has for you, nothing will hold you back this time. Don't allow yourself to be distracted. You are crossing over and the season you are moving into will be paired with His alignment and timing. What He has planned for you is arriving right on time.
Proverbs 16:20 "Those who listen to instruction will prosper; those who trust the LORD will be joyful." Many are at the cusp of seeing such monumental change take place in their lives, that it is prodigious in size. The magnitude is beyond what you can comprehend, that is the enormity of it. You have waited a very long time for this season, this moment, and this appointed time. What you must do now is push through and birth, it is imperative and relies heavily upon what you are about to step into. It may seem that this is the hardest birthing yet, but the Lord is calling your name forth in this season. For your time to be elevated and receive all that He has promised you has arrived.
I heard the Lord say, "This long awaited fulfillment of promise is closing in on you, and it will be all that I said that it would be. I will exceed, surpass, and multiply all that was stolen as I restore and fulfill, with the fullness of the power of my spoken word. You will see the manifestation of how my word never fails. That I am the promise keeper. I the Lord am doing only what I and my word can do. I'm invading your life with my word, my power, and my glory. You will know and see that I alone can change the most barren desolate places of your life. I bring life to the void. I am fulfilling and bringing things together suddenly, as my word has gone forth and doing that which I sent it to do over all areas of your life. No area of your life that I the Lord am bringing change too will be left untouched. My glory will be seen in, over, and through life as I bring complete fulfillment." There is a deep birthing that many are going through that they have not endured before. This birthing is significant as it is bringing you forth from the past and catapulting you into the new things that the Lord is calling you into. He is giving you the downloads and blueprints of what is to come and how things will look as they begin to take shape.
Although these past several years and beyond, have the hardest, most difficult, and painful times you have walked through in your entire life. But those times have been where the Lord has been preparing you and bringing you closer to Him. The hardship, the pain, and the trials were necessary to be exactly where you are now. Even though your circle is smaller, your strength and stature had seemed to diminish, the battles continued, and the wondering of where you went wrong has lingered over many. A reminder to you that there has been great purpose in the process. This process was necessary, and there was no other way around it to get where you are now. Don’t spend time reflecting on how painful the process was but celebrate what God has healed and delivered you from, who He is removed out of your life, the things He protected you from, and the joy in Him bringing you closer to Him. We can fixate ourselves on things that serve zero importance, or we can fixate our gaze on Him, the one who holds all things concerning your life in His hands. Many have felt like the birthing has been never-ending, and you push through one thing only to encounter another and another. Destiny awaits you on the other side of this last birthing. Where many things the Lord has spoken is going to come together. The Lord reminded me of Joshua when he gave the people instructions to prepare to cross over. It is time to get things in order, finalize things, tie up loose ends and put the finishing touches. Joshua 1:11 ““Go through the camp and tell the people, ‘Get your provisions ready. Three days from now you will cross the Jordan here to go in and take possession of the land the LORD your God is giving you for your own.’” Many are going from being on the sidelines of waiting to the frontlines of leading. You are moving from the waiting to prepare to now preparing to cross over. It is time to occupy the things that God has spoken to and over you, where the enemy has fought relentlessly to keep you from stepping into. It is time to prepare, make yourself ready, and listen to the instructions that He is giving you for in that, there are keys and blueprints to unlock and see His plans unfold in the land that He is giving you and calling you to possess. There is also a deep and complete restoration that He is bringing to His people through the birthing and healing. I was reminded of this verse in Job in relation to the restoration He that He is doing. Job 42:10 "And the Lord restored the fortunes of Job, when he had prayed for his friends. And the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before." I felt the Lord move on me to write a different kind of post today, some announcement and some prophetic. For I sensed strongly that we have crossed over a strategic and pivotal thresh hold where things are not the same, and will continue to drastically change. The Lord is moving many to the forefront, the remnant are emerging and the Lord is speaking loudly to those that are emerging on what they are being shifted into to do in this season.
He is giving you the blueprints to build with Him and as you step out in faith to do what He is calling you to do, you will see His power move and flow through you unlike you have ever seen before. There is an anointing for impartation to receive from Him right now as you sit with Him in worship for the assignments that He has called you to walk into in this season. Also, the Lord brought this verse to me today, and I felt it was for many. In this season He is restoring your strength, stature, vitality, your youth, and confidence in Him. He is bringing you into pleasant places and spaces, and I sense that He is about to bring miraculous fulfillment into many of His peoples lives. This is the season to see His miraculous hand at work bringing His word over your life to pass. Isaiah 40:31 "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." There is acceleration happening as there is more shifting and realignment taking place even as we prepare to enter February. I felt the Lord highlighting this month, and that it was very strategic where several things that He has been speaking to you are beginning to come together. Things were beginning to come forth and materialize. It is the beginning of you taking your place in the new places that the Lord has prepared for you. He has made you ready to where you can now sustain in the promotion, but also in the assignment. He is making things clear for what must change now, to prepare and make room for where you are to tread next. In those changes, there are some things and people that cannot go, don't disregard what the Lord is telling you to let go of. Trust that He knows and sees what is ahead, for you are moving forward in great acceleration and without hinderance. This is a set time that He has prepared for you and He is leading the way.
Isaiah 30:21 "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." NIV His impeccable timing is upon this moment and this season. Many are in the hallway of transition, at a standstill, but the Lord is moving and aligning things around you expeditiously. For those that are feeling swift spiritual movement happening, I felt this strongly from the Lord to just wait on Him right now.
Stay positioned, focused, and don't make any sudden move until the Lord moves upon you by His spirit. He is about to move upon His word. I felt things suddenly coming into alignment all at once, things fell into place, one thing after another began to happen, and things just suddenly broke open. There will be an overflow of unprecedented breakthrough manifesting. For those that have felt exasperated from waiting and waiting, then the wait extended more, and became a longer wait, I felt the Lord impress upon me that this is a definitive moment in time for you right now. You are colliding with destiny. The Lord gave me this verse as a reminder and to emphasize what He is saying about waiting. Psalm 27:14 "Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage, wait for the Lord!" Your not going to miss this breakthrough and the many other breakthroughs that He going to bring into your life. It will be a ripple effect of breakthrough coming through. The key in this moment is to wait on His timing, for your appointed time has come! Many are going through some extensive transition and changes as the Lord is bringing you into your new assignment and occupancy of territory. Things will and are going to look completely different than the way it has been before for you, though it has been years of preparation, processing, and warfare. It has all come to this moment in time of crossing this threshold. The enemy has fought you so hard through the many battles, intimidation, betrayal, and abuse from others, hinderances, but your time has come.
I heard Isaiah 60:1 over these ones the Lord was calling those forth. “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you.” NIV Many have felt beaten down and put beneath, hidden, and feeling the inability to advance and move forward into all the Lord has for you, but it hadn’t been time yet for your revealing. I had felt the Lord strongly moving upon His remnant, that He was empowering them to rise up in such a way that the empowerment that He was establishing within them, it superseded all that they have endured to get to this specific moment in time. The realization of being more than a conqueror was becoming an assured reality to them. Their understanding was being expanded as they came higher and ascend. The seasons of hardship and constant warfare has been over your destiny, it has been over the assignments the Lord has called you to do. But you are truly at the cusp of what you have been toiling over for so long is here. Romans 8:37 “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” NIV I also saw the Lord going back in time through taking many into memories of the past where the enemy came in, where enemy hooked and ensnared you, bringing deep healing and refreshing to those areas of long-standing battles. Like a soothing salve to those long-standing areas waiting to see restoration and justice. Many have felt like they could not go any further any longer, and the question of when has come up numerous times, but you must understand that there has been a process of complete dying to the flesh so that His strength and power can reside and move through you like you have not known before for the days ahead. What you have been going through is not about you, but about Him, His will, His way, and His word accomplishing what it was sent to do in your life! Yielding to Him has been the key to unlocking fulfillment in your life. CHANGING OF THE GUARD There is a changing of the guard as many of the remnant are going to begin to start emerging. He is moving those He has been preparing for years in the hidden secret place, now to the forefront. He is putting the spotlight on those that have given their yes, yielded to His ways and the process. You are now ready to carry and walk into His plans of this era. Many will step out into new areas of ministry that have yet to walk in, but you have been prepared and made ready for such a time as this. Many will try to stifle the anointing you carry, but His power will flow through you in unprecedented ways that it will confound all who oppose you. I was reminded of this verse in first Corinthians. 1 Corinthians 12:7 “But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise. And God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the mighty things.” RGT The Lord is bringing those forth who truly carry His heart and His power with purity and integrity. Those that move by His spirit. For those who have been hidden, have felt weary and defeated, it is your time to arise and shine! |