Many have been in a place of continuous waiting and not seeing movement to the manifestation to the things that the Lord has spoken to you and over you. I know this seems to have become a repetitive theme to this season, but I assure you that the Lord is speaking the opposite. He is speaking MULTIPLE MIRACLES OF MANIFESTAITON. I also felt this strongly that there is an anticipation and expectation brewing beneath the surface, that is increasing and that the Lord is bringing those things He has spoken to the forefront.
In the past month, I have been resting with the Lord, but at the same time I have been in the right place at the right time numerous times. I had also felt that this also applies to others where God is strategically synching you to His perfect timing of the season. The alignment of His timing that is happening is bringing a surge of hope and the evidence of His timing is being made so prevalent to you, because of how He is about to show up in your life. He is changing the narrative of your story, one that will be filled with the fullness of His promises and what He has specifically spoken to you. The enemy has come with frivolous attempts to try and throw you off track, bring multiple distractions, a disarray of confusion and to derail your focus. But, as you realign and fixate yourself once again on what the Lord has spoken to you, there will be a refreshment of hope, clarity and direction as you prepare to move into greater realms of breakthrough and fulfillment. Joshua 3:5 " Then Joshua said to the people, "Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you." The Lord is bringing healing, deliverance, restoration and new supernatural strength to you from what was lost, stolen and from all the battles that you have endured. You are taking hold of all that He has promised and you are recovering all. It is time to walk into His divine timing. I felt to articulate and explain it this way of how He is turning the curvature of time to bow down to what He has spoken over your life to happen. This is to make up for lost time, the time spent in waiting, and losses endured in the waiting. This is part of restoration process from the Lord to you over your life, your family and to all things that concern you. Psalm 31:14-15 "But I trust in you, O Lord; I say, "You are my God. "My times are in your hands; deliver me from my enemies and from those who pursue me." He is carving out a tailored made pathway for you to cross paths with your promise at a definitive moment in time of your life, where this moment of time will be a day of great remembrance for you that the Lord came right on time and that He did not forget what He promised you! |